Writing Assignment #9: SWOT Analysis

"Scrap Your R🗲de Manitoba"


Strong partnerships and ties with community and government (especially Manitoba Hydro)

Unique business model / Value proposition

Strong vision to guide organization (turn Manitoba's personal vehicle fleet electric)

No current competition

Recycling locally lowers reliance on Asian countries


Heavily reliant on funders and partners 

Requires collaboration with governments, municipalities

Needs to remain incentivizing for customers

Scrapping and Recycling could easily run over budget


Growing innovation and popularity of electric vehicles

Growing amounts of disposable income among target market (young adults)

Greater access to funding depending on political party in charge 

Potential to import vehicles from other provinces


Electric vehicles can struggle with Manitoban climate

Partners could cease contributions

City/Province could fail to implement complementary infrastructure

Restricted access to funding depending on political party in charge


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